About SJNA
The South Jubilee Neighbourhood Association’s mission is to improve and enhance the liveability, economic and social health of the neighbourhood.
Over the past 30 years, the SJNA has created a strong foundation through many environmental and social projects with some special features including a Garry Oak meadow, kiosk bulletin boards, traffic calming, monthly plastic recycling and a regular newsletter.
Published in September, November, February, April & June
Meetings are held in September, November, February, April & June
Our Constitution and Bylaws are available here.
Updates from the City of Victoria
Board of Directors 2024-2025
- Erin Renwick – Co-President/Co-Chair/Treasurer
- Molly Sullivan – Co-President/Co-Chair/Treasurer
- Susan Wetmore – Secretary
- Ryan Shore – Director
- Murray Gudmundson – Director
- Cindy Hughes – Director
- Ruan Wetselaar – Director
Contact the Board at board@southjubilee.ca
WE ARE IN SEARCH OF A TREASURER. Please contact us if interested in volunteering for this position.
Greening Committee
- River Stevens – Garden Coordinator
- Erin Renwick
Contact the Committee at redfernparkcommons@gmail.com
Neighbourhood Engagement Coordinator
- Anna Golovkina – Contact our Coordinator at engage@southjubilee.ca
VCAN Representative
- Susan Wetmore, SJNA representative, Victoria Community Association Network
Neighbourhood Representatives
– City of Victoria
- Marg Gardiner – Councillor, City of Victoria
- Gary Pemberton – Neighbourhood Liaison, City of Victoria
Contact our representatives via SJNA.
Become a Member
Are you a resident of South Jubilee? Become an official member of the South Jubilee Neighourhood Association (SJNA)!
As a member of SJNA, you will:
- Join our bi-monthly monthly newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on all neighbourhood news
- Contribute to South Jubilee fostering a engaged, diverse, vibrant and safe neighbourhood
- Get email invites to SJNA events and services
- Have a vote at the SJNA annual general meeting
Please contact engage@southjubilee.ca to formally become a member. In the meantime, please sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Neighbourhood Boundaries
South Jubilee is a triangular-shaped neighbourhood in Victoria, BC, just south of the Royal Jubilee Hospital, bordered by Fort Street, Oak Bay Avenue and Foul Bay Road. The perimeter and the western corner are made up mostly of apartments, condominiums, and businesses, while the centre’s tree-lined streets feature many homes from the early 1900s with a contingent of post-WW2 homes and more recent infill.
A map illustrating the City of Victoria’s Neighbourhood Boundaries can be found here.
Bowker Creek Initiative
South Jubilee is included in the Bowker Creek Watershed. Visit the CRD’s Bowker Creek Initiative page for information about the watershed.
Lindsey McCrank,Assistant Harbours and Watershed Coordinator at the CRD, wrote this article celebrating the 10th year into the 100 year Blueprint for Bowker Creek.
Want to be involved in the Bowker Creek restoration? Check out the Friends of Bowker Creek site for volunteer opportunities
History of the Jubilee Neighbourhood
Back in 2007, local historian John Adams took us on a historical walking tour through the streets of our neighbourhood. Watch the video on YouTube!
Visit the Victoria Heritage Foundation to learn more about the history of the Jubilee neigbourhood.